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Accessing the Interpreter

interp is an object that bundles methods that are available for the whole interpreter. We explain this command in this section.

interp exit


interp exit ?returnValue?


interp exit stops the interpreter using Java's System.exit(). Optionally, it hands a user-defined return value (an integer) to System.exit(). The default return value is 0.


The following code exits and provides the return value 1.
interp exit 1

interp getImportPath


interp getImportPath


getImportPath returns the current list of directories used for importing packages using import (see Section import). The import path can be modified using interp setImportPath (see Section interp setImportPath).


The following code modifies the import path by appending the directory testDir1 to it and imports a file using the new import path.
interp setImportPath [list build [* interp getImportPath] testDir1]
import file1

interp getObjects


interp getObjects ?pattern?


getObjects provides a list of all object that are known to the interpreter. This includes unnamed objects, which have no object name, but they are registered in the interpreter using an automatically assigned number, starting with %% (see also Section Objects and Classes and Section Garbage Collector).

Optionally, the argument pattern can be given. Then only the objects conforming to this pattern are returned. For more details see Section Pattern Matching.


The following code returns the list of all objects currently registered, which start with the letter o.
interp getObjects o*
The following code returns the list of all unnamed objects currently registered (they start with the letters %%).
interp getObjects %%*

interp getVars


interp getVars ?pattern?


getVars returns the list of variables currently defined in the current scope. In the global scope, these are the global variables. In a method, these are the current method's local variables.

Optionally, the argument pattern can be given. Then only the variables conforming to this pattern are returned. For more details see Section Pattern Matching.


The following code returns all variables in the current scope starting with the letter a.
interp getVars a*
The following code - even when executed in a method - returns the variable list of the global scope.
eval -global {interp getVars}

interp getEnv


interp getEnv ?pattern?
Options: -jvmProperties


getEnv yields either the list of environment variables (e.g., HOME, PATH, JAVA_HOME) or the list of system properties (e.g., java.class.path, initialised for the JAVA sub-process hosting the current Frag Interpreter. Note that the resulting list of environment variables or system properties mirrors a given system state, you cannot mutate this state through the manipulation of this list. Concerning environment variables, an empty result indicates that the underlying platform does not support or does not provide environment variables.

Switch between the introspection of environment variables and system properties by providing the jvmProperties option. You may provide a pattern argument. The pattern is then used for matching names of environment variables or system properties. Only variables or properties (and their values) whose names qualify for the given pattern are returned (see also Section Pattern Matching). Note that, when passing a pattern string, an empty result does not necessarily hint at the unavailability of environment variables or system properties in general. There are rather no variable or property names matching the pattern requested.


The following expression returns all environment variables and their values (activated at start-up of the JVM instance and the Frag interpreter) which carry the prefix JAVA_.
interp getEnv JAVA_*
The resulting list could look like this: JAVA_HOME /usr/local/jdk1.7.0 When turned into a hash table representation, the information about environment variables may be conveniently processed:
# init defaults
set env [Hashtable create -setList [list build PATH /usr/bin HOME /home/foo JAVA_HOME /usr/local/jdk1.7.0]]

# load actuals (preserving defaults where no envs are available)
$env setList [interp getEnv]

# introspect (e.g., for lazily initialising defaults or fallbacks)
if {![$env containsKey LANG]} {
    $env setList {LANG en_US.UTF-8}
The following yields all system properties prefixed with "java.class.*":
interp getEnv -jvmProperties java.class.* 
On most JVM implementations, the result comprises the following property entries (and their actual values): java.class.version and java.class.path.

interp isObject


interp isObject <objName>


isObject checks whether the string in objName is an object or not. It returns a boolean value.


The following code will likely return true, because Object is a predefined object.
interp isObject Object

interp setImportPath


interp setImportPath <import path value>


setImportPath modifies the list of directories used for importing packages using import (see Section import). The import path can be introspected using interp getImportPath (see Section interp getImportPath).


The following code saves the current import path in a variable, modifies it to contain only the directory testDir1, imports a file from that directory, and sets the import path back to the old value.
set path [interp getImportPath]
interp setImportPath testDir1
import file1
interp setImportPath $path        

interp stopEval


interp stopEval ?result?


interp stopEval stops the current evaluation in the Frag interpreter. It is intended to be used for embedded code, called from Java, instead of interp exit, to avoid the whole program from exiting. Instead only the Frag evaluation is terminated. Optionally a result can be returned.


The following Java class evaluates embedded Frag code, but never reaches the last invocation, because stopEval is called before. It returns the result EMBEDDED_CODE.
public class EmbeddedCodeReturnValue {
    private static String code = "set a EMBEDDED_CODE; interp stopEval $a; puts \"This should not be reached: $a\"";
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        try {
            Interp interp = new Interp();
            Dual result = interp.eval(new Dual(code));
            IO.out("Result = " + result);
        } catch (ErrorException e) {
            if (e.errorInfo != null) {
            } else {
        } catch (Exception e) {

interp time


interp time <code> ?times?


interp time is a utility method for measuring the time a code takes to execute in microseconds. Optionally, the code can be executed multiple times, if the times argument is given.


The following code measures how long it takes to execute set x 1 10000 times:
puts "Time = [interp time {set x 1} 10000]"
The following code provides a test command for performance tests, which prints the result in milliseconds. The number of times is configurable.
Command create test -set times 10000 -cmd {name script} {
        set t (([interp time $script $times] / 1e3) / $times)
        puts "${name}: $t milliseconds per iteration"          

# use the command
test set {set x 1}
The result is something like: set: 0.0018239 milliseconds per iteration.

interp memory


interp memory


interp memory


This interpreter-specific method introspects on the current memory consumption of the Java virtual machine (JVM) hosting the Frag interpreter. It provides information about the memory managed by the JVM to allocate Java objects (i.e., the object heap). A call returns a list containing three quantities: the free, the total, and the maximum amount of managed memory available or used for object allocations (in bytes). Note that the total and maximum heap sizes reflect the settings passed to the JVM upon start-up (e.g., the -Xms and -Xmx flags).
puts "Memory information: [interp memory]"
The following snippet illustrates how to compute the "used" memory:
# get the memory info list
set memoryInfo [interp memory]

# there are 3 list elements: free, total, and
# maximum memory (bytes)
set freeObjectHeap [list index $memoryInfo 0]
set totalObjectHeap [list index $memoryInfo 1]
set maxObjectHeap [list index $memoryInfo 2]

# infer an indicator of "used" memory (in bytes)
set usedObjectHeap ($totalObjectHeap - $freeObjectHeap)

# convert to mbtyes
puts "Used memory in mbytes: [math format {#.##} ([math asDouble $usedObjectHeap]/(1024*1024))]"
The result is something like: Used memory in mbytes: 1.87.

interp varExists


interp varExists <varName>


varExists checks for the existence of the variable varName in the current scope, and returns a boolean value.


The following code tests for existance of a variable after setting and unsetting it. The first interp varExists a returns true, and the second one false.
set a 1
puts "does a exist? [interp varExists a]"
unset a
puts "does a still exist? [interp varExists a]"              

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