Distributed Systems


    The following exam form will be applied.
  • The only one exam of this course is the final written one. There is no midterm exam.
  • An exam will consist of 20 questions. The exam will take 80 minutes. It is a closed book exam.
  • Exam questions will be based on the topics of the lectures given in the course. The exam preparation materials will be the lecture notes and corresponding chapters/sections of text books/papers/articles mentioned in the lectures.
  • There will be no questions for topics in the text books which are not covered in the lectures or for topics which are not required as home exercises.
  • Exam questions will cover both concepts/techniques in the course as well as how to apply these concepts/techniques.
  • There will be 2 questions for each lecture (in total 20 questions for 10 lectures)
  • An answer for a question will be given:
    • 0 point if the answer is incorrect,
    • 0.5 point if the answer is half-correct (40%-70% of the answer is correct and the answer shows a clear path that it leads to a complete correct answer)
    • 1 point if the answer is correct
  • The maximum number of points of an exam is 20. The following mapping is applied
    • 18- 20 points = 1 (sehr gut) (100-90 % of the maximum number of points)
    • 16 - 17.5 points = 2 (gut) (89 - 80 % of the maximum number of points)
    • 13 - 15.5 points = 3 (befriedigend) (79-64 % of the maximum number of points)
    • 10.5 - 12.5 points = 4 (genügend) (63-52.5 % of the maximum number of points)
    • 0-10 points = 5 (nicht genügend) (50-0 % of the maximum number of points)
Here is a sample.